Шрифт Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Шрифт семейства Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever версии Version 1.0 8/30/97 имеет стиль Normal. Входит в категории: латинские, бесплатные, компьютерные. Занимает места на жестком диске 132 Kb. Скачайте шрифт бесплатно и без регистрации. Перед использованием обязательно изучите лицензию на использование шрифта.

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Шрифт Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever




Стиль Normal
Автор Ben McGehee
Семейство Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Идентификатор Macromedia Fontographer 4.1 Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Версия Version 1.0 8/30/97
PostScript название RockyMountainSpottedFever
Торговая марка http://www.latech.edu/~bmcgehee/untype/index.htm
Описание This version includes upper and lowercase letters, punctuation, and many international characters. I also included some new UA Type dingbats (just to amuse myself, and so you don't get those annoying boxes when you type something that isn't in the font). Fonts can get sick, just like people. This one was taking vacation in the Rockies, going to do some camping and hinking, and caught this disease. The spots gave it great pain, and it was jumping all around. I used my special font medicine to kill all the germs, but it was left distorted and still jumpy.
Регистр букв верхний и нижний
URL автора перейти ';
Описание лицензии You use this font in any way that you see fit. If you distribute it, I would like for the readme text file to accompany it. (That's just so they know who made it.) You may distribute it on CD, disk, or any other medium, but you may not sell it.


Латинские, Бесплатные, Компьютерные

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