Шрифт Belligerent Madness

Шрифт семейства Belligerent Madness версии имеет стиль Normal. Входит в категории: distressed, grunge, rough, brushed. Занимает места на жестком диске 47 Kb. Скачайте шрифт бесплатно и без регистрации. Перед использованием обязательно изучите лицензию на использование шрифта.

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Шрифт Belligerent Madness




Стиль Normal
Автор Нет сведений
Семейство Belligerent Madness
Идентификатор FONTLAB30:TTEXPORT
PostScript название BelligerentMadness
Регистр букв верхний и нижний
URL автора перейти ';
Описание лицензии This font is copyright 2008 by P.D. Magnus. Like all the Fontmonkey fonts, it is free for for all commercial or non-commercial use. To be clear: They do not cost anything. If you do use them for something, though, I would love to here about it. I would appreciate a sample of the thing for which you used the font, a photo of it, or even just an e-mail telling me about it. You can contact me via the website or by e-mail at pmagnus@fecundity.com You are also encouraged to acknowledge fontmonkey or link to me, although neither is strictly speaking required. The font files may be freely distributed provided this license, attribution to me, and the fontmonkey URL are included. VERSION HISTORY 26apr2008 first release


Distressed, Grunge, Rough, Brushed

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