Шрифт 3 Prong Tree

Шрифт семейства 3 Prong Tree версии 1.0 (5/17/97) имеет стиль Normal. Входит в категории: латинские, бесплатные, шрифты из фильмов. Занимает места на жестком диске 79 Kb. Скачайте шрифт бесплатно и без регистрации. Перед использованием обязательно изучите лицензию на использование шрифта.

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Шрифт 3 Prong Tree




Стиль Normal
Автор Ben McGehee
Семейство 3 Prong Tree
Идентификатор Macromedia Fontographer 4.1 3 Prong Tree
Версия 1.0 (5/17/97)
PostScript название 3ProngTree
Описание This version includes only capital letters, and some commonly used punctuation. My Dad goes hunting a lot. When he was growing up, one of his favorite tree stands at our hunting camp, Spring Bayou, was in the 3 Prong Tree. He killed many deer out of there. Now, the tree has fallen down, but the area around it will forever be called the 3 Prong Tree. When I was writing some letters, I thought that using three straight lines to create each letter would look neat. So I tried it. On the letters without many curves, it turned out great, but the more curves required, the worse it got. That is why there are only Capital letters
Регистр букв верхний и нижний
URL автора перейти ';
Описание лицензии You use this font in any way that you see fit. If you distribute it, I would like for the readme text file to accompany it. (That's just so they know who made it.) You may distribute it on CD, disk, or any other medium, but you may not sell it.


Латинские, Бесплатные, Шрифты из фильмов

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